Wednesday, September 07, 2011

He also blew up the Maine

You would think once the Republican elites had rationalized away any responsibility they have had for 9/11, the economic collapse, and any other ill to befall America after the Civil War, they could be satisfied just going after the Obama Administration on its limited economic accomplishments (which at this point amount to 'well we prevented a complete collapse').

But if folks like Mitt Romney did that they wouldn't really be Republicans.
The chart [used in supporting Romney's plan], however, calls the period of time from 2007-2009 the “Obama recovery,” blaming him for the poor job numbers over that three-year period. As Romney surely knows, however, George W. bush was serving as president in 2007 and 2008, and Obama did not take office until January 2009.

Knows? Maybe. Cares? Not so much.

Besides you cannot beat the Romney plan, which is to triple the square footage of all houses owned members of his Administration (and also the houses of all nominal leaders of any occupied nation)...and to adopt all parts of the Ryan Plan, except those which are not awesome. It's quite the stimulus package.

[cross-posted at Firedoglake]


DrDick said...

Always remember that the modern Republicans get to create their own reality. Always.

They are also getting their own entry in the DSM-V.

pansypoo said...

lies, damned lies, and graphs.