Thursday, September 01, 2011

I'm not a big film nerd

I'm not obsessed with them, I don't overly recite their dialogue, I usually -- but not always -- find a way not to feel ripped off when I see one.

But George Lucas is becoming more and more of a goddamned moron. Having produced about two-thirds shit with his prequels and that's generous, he's determined to re-write the original trilogy with as much stupidity as possible.

Take his determination to firmly ruin the last of the prequels (which was the only good one to that point -- but only in comparison to the first two really) with one of the most ridiculous moments ever.

Well, now he has decided that moment was so awesome he will repeat it in the coming Blu-Ray release of the last of the original trilogy (which, let's face it even in its original form was a clue to how bad the prequels would be):

Pretty much summed up in "Spaced"

But like I said, I'm not a big film nerd, as this post clearly proves.


Taylor Wray said...

You don't have to be a big nerd to want Lucas to stop fucking around with his greatest creation.

Hey George, you already made those movies. They were mind-blowing. Stop remaking them.

pansypoo said...

oh please. i would rather watch flash gordon than be subjected to star wars. i am afraid to watch the prequels.

Anonymous said...

Someone on the internets claimed all the evidence pointed to one conclusion, George Lucas hates Star Wars and is in a position to cause Star Wars the most harm.