Thursday, September 08, 2011

Just before the crowd went wild with his executions scorecard

Rick Perry said this:

Undoubtedly the Beltway then declared Perry the winner.

We are so fucked.


Aaron said...

So belief in science is just like disbelief of science?

jimmiraybob said...

That's it. I'm switching bandwagons from Bachmann to Perry.

Perry 2012: He'll put the Ponzi scheme on death row!

Perry 2012: He'll put the Science scheme on death row!

Perry 2012: He'll put the Liberal scheme on death row!

Perry 2012: He'll put the Education scheme on death row!

Perry 2012: He'll put the Government scheme on death row!

Perry 2012: Executions all around!

Perry 2012: He's got the Texas-sized balls to actually pull the switch!

Perry 2012: And he'll sleep good at night!

Man, this is a guy that the TeavangelicalBirchNeoconfederatePublicans cans loves a long time.

[crosses fingers, puts on lucky socks, burns incense to FSM]

MarkC said...

So George Bush worked out so well, we're going to elect him to a third term?

pansypoo said...

'it can't happen here' was before citizens united.