Monday, September 05, 2011

Labor Day

Figure I might as well be one of the few locations to acknowledge the hard work of people in this country that manufacture things. I hope you can all get together to fill out a lineup in a softball game.

We all know there's no way this had been made a holiday nowadays -- it would be all
too reflective of a "socialist" attitude.


Michael said...

We'd probably have a celebration called Production Day or something like that, where we'd all "volunteer" a day's pay plus overtime to help pay for ridiculous trinkets/gifts to the managers and/or more of their bonus pay...

pansypoo said...

workaholics day. no time off, but you get a t-shirt + a mug.

dguzman said...

Too true. Like "liberal," "union" has been turned into a dirty word by the media and their masters the repug wingnuts.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, "liberal", "union", "middle class", "democracy" "environment"---- who needs all these useless relics of the 20th century?

Give me that good ol' corporatocracy any day.

Anonymous said...

I make shit for other people to make shit from. And they couldn't make shit without me doing so. And it really pisses off my boss that my job cannot be made into a salary position. hahahahahha. Thank gawd for all the unions, and some of those I have belonged to. UAW, IAMAW, Steelworkers, Postal workers (got outta there just in time).

And thanks for the men and women that have fought and died for the basic 'rights' we enjoy today. No child labor. A 40 hour week. Overtime for work over 40 hours/week. Health care benefits (shrinking by the hour). Pensions (replaced by 401k plans that are at the whim of Wall St.) But still, even a shrinking middle class in the US of A can appreciate what we have left to be thankful for. i am.

gawd help us. And may our next President have more spine for the middle class.