Saturday, January 12, 2013


Oh dear, dear, dear -- and yet awesome:

The head of firearms training company who took to YouTube and Facebook this week to threaten a murderous response to any attempt on the Obama administration's part to "ban assault rifles and impose stricter gun control" has had his handgun carry permit suspended by the Tennessee Department of Safety and Homeland Security for presenting "material likelihood of risk of harm to the public."


Raoul Paste said...

Unfortunately, he will learn nothing from this experience.

kingweasil said...

his lawyer will now explain how he's sorry,and didn't mean it...

DrDick said...

Now he will threaten to kill them for violating his Second and First Amendment rights.

pansypoo said...

not enough. i want ALL his firearms impounded. give him a musket to play w/ til he grows up.

jimmiraybob said...

He looses even on his own terms. He completely lost tactical awareness of the situation and let his raw emotions get the better of him. In his world of warcraft this could well have gotten him and his team/platoon into - again, in his terms - a world of hurt and death. James, ya be a loser dude.

In the real world too, ya be a loser dude. And, a documented psycho. But, a well armed psycho.

And PS, the 2nd Amendment doesn't give every (any) psycho lunatic butt weasel spouting founding-fathers trash talk and waving a gun the right to rebel against the constitutionally elected and lawful government that they set up. No matter how much you feel that "they" aren't catering to your particular branch of the nutball fringe. (this episode of Learning Constitutional Law sponsored by liberally-biased factual information)

StonyPillow said...

The NRA claims 4.3 million members. To my experience, I figure nearly every one of them feels the same way Barney Fife Yeager does. Bullies who have no business with a weapon in their hands. They're just smart enough not to be caught saying it.

Montag said...

Speaking of lawyers, he has a new video up... with his lawyer.

I have the feeling that his mouthpiece is going to earn his retainer this month.

Anonymous said...

If there truly were such a thing as a Well Regulated Militia, crackpots like this would go before some sort of panel of psychiatrists to decide if they should be eligible to own firearms or not.

If not, the Tennessee Department of Safety and Homeland Security would get a warrant to search his home and office to make sure his weapons were confiscated.

OK, I can dream, can't I?

Mr. 618 said...

Anonymous at 1:30, Tennessee WILL make him sweat it out, and very likely will NOT restore his permit. The TN DPS is about the only non-paste-eating bunch south of the Mason-Dixon line.