Thursday, March 07, 2013

Somebody ask John McCain about this

Iowa just got a bit more geologically interesting:
Buried beneath the rocks, dirt, buildings and roads of the city of Decorah, Iowa, lies a 470 million-year-old meteorite crater. Unlike the craters on the pockmarked surfaces of the moon and Mars, this crater can't be seen by looking down at Earth's surface, at least not by the human eye. But recent aerial surveys primarily aimed at getting a better picture of the minerals that underlie the region got a look at the crater structure using instruments that detect the variations in gravity of different types of rock, as well as their ability to conduct electricity.
Decorah is a lovely city on the banks of the Mississippi in Northeast Iowa (and a place yours truly was last to more than 20 years ago -- to confirm that I was indeed being dumped by my then girlfriend [it wasn't that miserable she just accepted what we both knew before I did, it was a sad but mature dumping]) ... oooooh window into my anonymous blogger life...and "Good times".


The Frito Pundito said...

Oh come on, every Bible student knows that meteor was mentioned in Genesis or Leviticus, or one of those books.

pansypoo said...

if its as pretty as dubuque from the highway. i suppose all the dirt brown off the glaciers covered it up. cooool. satellites are gonna find more. shame you can't SEE it.

pansypoo said...

looks like prairie du chien also got hit.

Anonymous said...

this and the manson crater which was about 47 million years ago and one rather large lump of celestial seasonings to hit iowa during big turkey days kinda makes you wonder about the long unheard of phenom of "iowa magnatism".

science! it's a thing!


Anonymous said...

and the great eagle cam....