Friday, August 13, 2004

Miscellaneous Lifeform Blogging Friday

Oh keep your Basset Hounds, your Cats, even your Ferrets. All those things are nice, Attaturk has a pet. Do any of you really give a damn?

It appears that having a political blog requires two things.

(1) Use the word MEME over and over and, dare I say, over?

Where else do you ever see this freaking word used besides political blogs?


(2) Show your readers pictures of your captive beasts.

Now, I love my dog "Nameless" the wonderhound. However, the day she manages to stop getting in the garbage; clean up her own poop; and contributes to paying the mortgage, will be the day she gets her picture up on the blog.

Anyway, since its the thing to do (and I sure sound enthusiastic don't I) here is the Animal Picture of the Day from me:


I'll call it, um, I don't know, Sluggo?

Aiyeeee, look out Sluggo!

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