Monday, August 16, 2004

Weekend in Pictures...Loyalty Oath Edition

I "herby" swear that I will no longer make fun of the President.

Fortunately, my name isn't Herby.

I know there is a lot of talk about drug-use in the Olympics. I don't think lighting Zues's Doobie is going to help much.

The Pope reaches for a very "special" encyclical.

"Don't worry hurricane victims, help is on the way. At least, as soon as you sign those 'Loyalty Oaths' I gave you."

Let's See, We took a right at Albuquerque.

Of all the scenes of destruction, not surprisingly President Bush was most affected by the destruction of a Gas Station.

As usual, Iowa's Butter Cow is impressive. But not as impressive as a Codpiece, or the Iraqi Tarbaby.

The White House named a new Ambassador to India over the weekend.

This demonstration of 'hand-to-head ratio' dispells any doubt that Dubya is, in fact, a "pinhead".

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