"I'm George W. Bush.
I'm the guy who is the President when those, um, hurricanes hit.
Maybe that didn't go all that well, heh heh heh. But I don't pay attention to polls.
I'm a doer. Here in my administration we are doers by doin' things. And today, I am doin' more things than ever done been done before. And doin' stuff is hard work, heh heh heh.

Before I go off to the gulf coast and do more stuff, again, 'cause there is stuff to do and I'm a doer, I'd like to do something else.

I would like to remind you that 9/11 changed everything, and it made me do stuff. And some of the stuff I am doin' includes makin' progress in the war on terror. We've done did and done captured the second highest guy of al-Zarwarwar...al-Zarqwawer...abu-Zargraib...a Daquiri for the 27th time.

He can run, but he cannot hide.
I'm done doin'.
God bless 'Murica."

Cable News Head: "President Bush speaking from the White House, about, something."
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