Thursday, January 19, 2006

As a white guy, I know what Barak Obama should think

John J. Miller, White Man

It's tough to think of a more white guy name than John J. Miller - outside of "Whitey von Cracker". Nevertheless, at Moron Junction Mr. Miller believes it important to tell Barak Obama what an African American is supposed to think and say when Hillary Clinton says "Plantation" (what Mr. Miller has to say about Newt Gingrich and his own publication using the word repeatedly in the past is unknown - or perhaps purposefully ignored).

WHAM OBAMA [John J. Miller]
Sen. Barack Obama could have shown real independence and criticized Hillary Clinton for her race-baiting remark about Republicans -- she said the House of Reps is run like a "plantation" -- but instead he lamely decided to defend her. I'm not saying he needed to denounce her; he could have very gently said that some metaphors simply aren't appropriate and that although he's sure HRC meant no harm, we need to be careful about what we say. But he didn't. By the way, if you want to see a good example of photo bias, see the picture that accompanies the story.
Posted at 05:37 AM

And with that, Mr. Miller went back to pretending he is Jack Bauer.

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