Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Get to Work

I did. I had a chance to go through the awful Fred Barnes book "Rebel in Chief". Believe me it lives up to its advance billing. It sucks, lord what a blowjob of a work.

Here's my review at Amazon, feel free to review them all there, and take what action is necessary.

Cult of no Personality

Fred "the beetle" Barnes, horned rimmed-Bush horndog.

What this book lacks for insight, it makes up for in outright worship. If I was Mrs. Barnes, I'd worry about what Fred was thinking about in what passes for the heat of passion.

Barnes starts out with almost a literal bang. Worship him or sensibly loathe him only the most dense (or venal) individual could honestly believe that George W. Bush; grandson of a Senator, son of a President, Ivy league educated, is an outsider to the governing class. "The stupid" it burns, it burns, oh LORD, it BURNS!

And it just goes on and on and on from there in this fetid mash note of a book.

Bush the "rebel" who can start a war without legitimate basis; the "rebel" who cuts taxes and then says social security is going broke; the "rebel" who commits one gross malfeasance after another, only to have Rupert's virtual janitors like Fred Barnes proclaim them brilliant political moves.

I do think that Bush and this book have one thing in common, both will be gigantic failures. Sadly for Barnes, Bush will long be considered among America's worst Presidents. The only "rebel" found here is enablers like Fred Barnes and their war against reality.

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