Wednesday, January 11, 2006

I'll show you tears

Oh poor Mrs. Alito, her husband a well-educated, well-compensated human being who NEVER has to worry about stuff like losing his job, or not having health care. Nevertheless, those rapscallions not treating her husband like the God on Earth is just too much. Now the press is atwitter at her tears.

Why this is far more important than the tears of a ten-year old girl strip searched for no good purpose whatsoever.

And Ms. Alito's hissy fit is far more important than a family who not only lost their home, but got a bonus of some good abuse at the hand of the marshalls.

And if your husband is able to get his way let's not forget some other people that will be able to cry tears of joy at their good fortune that your husband was so able to affect their lives.

Somewhere there is ten year old girl, who will be 14 in 2010. At that time she will live in Mississippi and have the good fortune of being pregnant because her father made her so. Now, thanks to your husband she'll have to carry her father's seed to term because abortions are illegal there and she cannot afford to go to a blue state. Now, she'll give birth and give up any dreams she has of an education, because after all, her child - her father's child -- needs to eat.

After a few years go by she'll learn to have the love overcome the resentment. Though she gave up her dreams, she has some for her growing son. At least until he gets blood poisoning and dies because the free clinic she had to take him to wasn't able to see him in time.

But, no, you go right ahead and cry Ms. Alito.

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