Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Unintentional Comedy:

Well, Sully the Poo has emigrated to yet another paying gig. The Peter Principle at work.

The most discouraging thing is that Atta J. Turk has had the Peter Principle applied to him and sadly, my point of incompetence was reached with a mid-level blog for which I am not compensated.

Sully, as you may recall used to entertain us with blinding white on blue text and a rather frightening shirtless guy doing pushups...

Oh, and imbecilic bouts of dimentia brought on by a guy who stuffs his flightsuit.

Well, having endorsed the "Bell Curve" and brought down "The New Republic" Sully has turned his attentions to Time, Inc. You would have thought he'd have hooked up with Time years ago before they bought AOL.

Nevertheless, I guess the advantage of falling in with a corporate empire is that you get to have a caricature made of you and your dogs.

It appears to me that they moved Sully's back hair a little north there.

But enough about what I think of Sully's blog. The key point is what Sullivan writes about Fred Barnes new book (remember I'm beating this beeyatch into the ground):

It's worth a read, if only to look into what a full-bored defense of everything Bush has done, thought, believed or even sneezed amounts to. A couple of points. Fred writes about the Washington establishment in exactly the same terms he was writing about it in the 1980s - as a liberal monopoly. This from someone on the biggest cable news channel, surrounded by the vast K-Street-GOP nexus, with Republicans controlling House, Senate, White House and a majority on the Supreme Court. Hey, Fred, you are the establishment now.

Barnes and many wingers are so bitter, so resentful and so self-loathing they know no other mode than resentment.

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