But let us not forget another piece o'shite coming down the colon of right-wing America. Something I mentioned just before Christmas. Fred Barnes ode to Bush onanism, "Rebel in Chief" (aka "Rebel without a Clue"). This crime against wood pulp; this stretched-out Penthouse Forum story of right-wing masturbatory fantasy achieves "release" on January 17th.
Even the book jacket gives the appearance of George Bush holding his li'l Commander-in-Chief and receding into his happy place.
These "peans" from the "peons" are getting thick as Bush's presidency becomes ever less popular. So far the highlight of Bush's second term seems to be being on the cusp of getting Alito on the Supreme Court (unless it's once getting 50% on the Rasmussen Poll).
But all this shows is the lapdoggery of the Republican Senate. It doesn't show Bush as being strong, it shows people like Arlen Specter being cowards.
Getting a guy who's alter ego is "Mad Maloof" the 8th level, lawful-evil, half-orc magic user upon the Supreme Court may be an accomplishment, but it isn't exactly something to be proud of.
But then again, from the book jacket Bush is also a guy for whom playing "cover/discover" is a worthy achievement.
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