Saturday, July 15, 2006

The Department of Homeland Security may just be our greatest Terrorist Threat

Wasn't Joe Lieberman all for this agency?

About three miles from the nearest town, Brian Lehman's popcorn factory near Berne has somehow ended up on the federal government's list of potential terrorist targets.

"I don't have a clue why we're on the list. We're on a gravel road, not even blacktop. We're nowhere," said Lehman, owner of Amish Country Popcorn, which employs five people.

Nevertheless, Amish Country Popcorn is one of 8,591 places or events in Indiana that the Department of Homeland Security regards as serious potential terrorist targets, according to an inspector general's report that raised questions about the accuracy and relevance of what's known as the National Asset Database.

Indiana has about 30 percent more listed potential targets than New York (5,687) and nearly twice as many as California (3,212), putting Indiana atop the nation's list of potential terrorism targets.

What's more, the number of potential Indiana targets rose from 322 in 2004 to 8,303 in 2005.

I have to admit, I'm a little nervous living in Iowa, because frankly, the geographically challenged (and I'm going to assume that includes a lot of "suiciders" looking to score 72 know sounds like a DHS employee and a islamic jihadist have something in common doesn't it?) cannot tell the difference between Indiana and Iowa. Idaho should be careful too.

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