In any case, what you need this morning -- in addition to a bacon-egg-and-cheese-on-roll (buttered, of course, for a maximum dose of comforting cholesterol) washed down with your favorite caffeinated beverage -- is a little pop quiz to focus your mind. So here's one courtesy of Paul Slansky, the guy who wrote the definitive account of Round One in the Republican Plot Against America. Good luck!
Preview question: Who is Michael Palladino?
(a) One of two young men who interrupted a speech by Hillary Clinton by yelling, “Iron my shirt! Iron my shirt!”
(b) The aide to Barack Obama who was shoved by Bill O’Reilly at a rally.
(c) The adviser to Fred Thompson’s campaign who turned out to have been convicted of cocaine trafficking.
(d) The boxer who hosted a Nevada Obama event and who had been convicted of battery.
(e) The New York City police detective who scoffed at Rudolph Giuliani’s claim to have been “at Ground Zero as often as, if not more than, most of the workers.”
(f) The formerly gay gospel singer who who advocates “curing” homosexuality with prayer, and whose performance at Obama-sponsored concerts upset gays and liberals.
The rest of the questions -- and answers -- are here.
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