Sunday, February 10, 2008

Putting on my magic pundit hat

It looks like February will be a tough, but survivable month for Hillary Clinton (especially if she wins Maine today).

But mostly it looks like Republicans are really, really unhappy. Huckabee wins two out of three...and the third, oh my goodness, Washington, what a mess:

Huckabee 24%
McCain 26
Paul 21%
Romney 16%
Uncommitted 12%

There's still another 13% of the vote to be reported, but still, 74% of the people that showed up, showed up to vote against their parties almost certain nominee. Imagine if Huckabee hadn't fucked up Romney's game plan in Iowa?

I guess throwing around that "Maverick" label isn't magical.

BTW, if John McCain is a "Maverick", that must make Arlen Specter "Che Guevara".

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