Wednesday, February 06, 2008

The Stupid get Stupider

Yeah, absolutely, McCain should get right on that:

Kumbya Convo [Kathryn Jean Lopez]

Mary Matalin had some creative thinking for John McCain this morning, in conversation with NRO, based on the idea that “McCain still failing to win conservatives anywhere, even where he wins.”

A “trust but verify” strategy for McCain might include:

** announcing in his CPAC speech that he is leaving CPAC and going straight to Newt’s for a comprehensive tutelage on “Real Change.”

Newt's advice would be:

1. Y'know that wife of yours has had cancer and she's not getting any younger. Why don't you divorce this one too and move on to marryin' Laura Ingraham? It's not like she isn't desperate.

2. Have you considered illegal kickback deals on speeches & books? Rudy took me up on this, but really now that you've got the nomination this will be pure profit.

3. Write fictional novels about historical events that turn out the opposite of reality like me. In other words, put your Iraq speeches into book form.

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