Friday, April 02, 2010

I really have to rethink this whole

Pope Nixon theme. I don't like the company I'm keeping.


Poorly Received Snark said...

I truly love the idea that polishing Ben Bradlee's knob for a couple of decades qualifies you to write a column on weighty matters of life eternal.

Montag said...

First, why does being Washington's premier flipperdidoodle gossip and all-around pain in the ass entitle her to a column in a major newspaper? Ohh, right. It's the WaPoo that's the major newspaper.

Second, did Hitler resign? Not on your life! (Well, in a manner of speaking, he did, but, not in a way that you'd want videotape of it for future historical reference, like Nixon's resignation....)

Of course, since Sally-forth Quinn sneaked into communion line at Tim Russert's funeral, she's an honorary Catholic now, and entitled to pontificate (heh...) on pontiffs.

I don't know which is funnier--Ratzinger and his palace guard screaming, "ve know not-tink!," or Quinn haranguing on Ratzinger's resignation as if he's Bill Clinton.

Me, I think that Germany, Ireland and Italy could solve the problem by arresting him and extraditing him for trial as an accessory to pedophilia. The U.S., of course, would never do such a thing, because that would make Bill Donohue explode like Mr. Creosote and would spoil Sally Quinn's fun.

Athenwise said...

Her last name is "Quinn", so, of course, that entitles her to expound on all matters religious.

pansypoo said...

well, when you think coverup, it's hard to think of another.