Monday, April 12, 2010

Occasionally, it works out for the best

Via Crooks and Liars it turns out it was a bad weekend for Fred Phelps and the Westboro Church of Hate.

Des Moines:

A family of six carrying signs that read “God hates fags” faced more than 500 counter-protesters singing “All You Need Is Love” on the Drake University campus this morning.

Charleston, WV (see video, classy of the Phelps clan to bring small children along for brainwashing purposes):

…the church sent a small group to Charleston, W. Va., to highlight their belief that the 25 miners killed in a recent cave-in were killed by God because we're all entirely too tolerant of people living alternative lifestyles. Word of their protest got out, and they were completely overwhelmed by counter protesters organized by the West Virginia Chamber of Commerce, the state AFL-CIO, and local church and community groups, many carrying signs saying things like "GOD HATES SIGNS" and "THIS IS A SIGN".

Left and Right coming together.


As for me, I just point and laugh derisively. Maybe to celebrate "Yuri's Night" we send Fred Phelps on a rocket to the Sun?

[cross-posted at Firedoglake]


snabby said...

Fred and his flock will likely happily get on board that rocket if you tell them they'll be going at night.

Montag said...

Hmmph. They brought kids along to keep the adults from getting the shit kicked out of them.

They've used virtually every mass funeral in the country as an excuse to blame the victims for the country's "sinful ways."

With that track record, what the hell does Westboro Baptist do if Fred Phelps and his family all get killed in a car wreck?

donnah said...

My mom's a coal miner's daughter (he died with black lung twenty-five years ago) and she and my dad were back in the Charleston area over the weekend when Phelps and his clan were there. She said that one of Phelps minions was in a local drugstore shooting his mouth off about hating coal miners and how they deserved to die, and one of the local guys told him to take a hike. The Phelps guy said something else and the local guy punched him in the nose.

A policeman came in, told the miner to go home, and that he would "handle it himself".

The Phelps group is despicable. I don't condone violence, but they are over the line to come into a person's hometown and insult them and their families. Especially when they are so off base with their bizarre rhetoric. It doesn't even make sense.

Raoul Paste said...

Its unfortunate that bad behavior has to be so very over-the-top for right and left to come together to condemn it.

BTW, the "All you need is love" sing-along was genius. Reminiscent of putting flowers in the barrels of the National Guard.

Anonymous said...

still a punch in the nose gives a huge measure of satisfaction.

pansypoo said...

god hates figs.

derision and ignoring is the best way to treat these fucks.

Poorly Received Snark said...

They had a similar trip to Virginia Tech last week, with similar results to the Drake U experience (to wit, being killed with counter protester kindness.)

Anonymous said...

They misidentified the third diety (god, indra....).

It is not the Great Spaghetti Monster.

It is the Flying Spaghetti Monster.

He currently resides in Minnesota and was in the running for a Soil and Water District Supervisor position in the last election.