Saturday, April 17, 2010


Seems like a good time for this one:


pansypoo said...

they are scum, but this guy really comes off as an asshole too. or looney. yes, wall street is sick in the head. but jeez, take a pill.

Montag said...

To paraphrase Otter in "Animal House," Keiser's right--psychotic--but right. :)

He's a bit like Eliot Spitzer would be after being stranded in the jungle on a diet of only bark, bugs, lizards and leaves (Thanks, Spalding!) and anabolic steroids.

It's okay, though. Goldman Sucks deserves to be raked over the coals (I'd even imagine that they'd much prefer that to the punishment they really ought to get).

Right now, the only punishment I really want to impose on Lloyd Blankfein and Hank Paulson is to watch them give birth to an eighteen-pound stonefish through their urethras.

Anonymous said...

Wow.. Someone finally telling the truth. He probably won't live much longer.

Henk said...

Pansy Poo and Montag show the DC "Very Serious" people's proper resonse to what Max is saying. He it right of course, but he's an asshole, he's psychotic so we don't have to listen to him.

In the real world people see injustices like this, criminality like this and they get upset, they get passionate and they SPEAK HONESTLY. Or couse Pansy Poo, Montag and their fellow travelers can't have that, oh my no. They will wave their lace hankies, blush, swoon and nearly feign outrage at this horible man.

Montag said...

Trouble with reading comprehension, Henk?

Sure seems like it.

Maybe you don't know what a stonefish is.

Or, more likely, you don't know what urethra means.

No feigned outrage, asshole. It's quite sincere.

Pay attention, next time, instead of shooting your mouth off.

Montag said...

Trouble with reading comprehension, Henk?

Sure seems like it.

Maybe you don't know what a stonefish is.

Or, more likely, you don't know what urethra means.

No feigned outrage, asshole. It's quite sincere.

Pay attention, next time, instead of shooting your mouth off.

dave™© said...

Trouble with reading comprehension...?

No, I think we all got the condescending bullshit. Thanks for asking.

dave™© said...

Hey, res got a shout out at FDL! Hmmmmmmmmmm... watertiger's a regular poster there... could it be...???

Anonymous said...

Strikes me that this is what a liberal - and honest - Glenn Beck would look like. Yes, he's angry, maybe even looney - but he's saying it like it is, and with passion. We could use more talk like this on our side.

Montag said...

No, I think we all got the condescending bullshit. Thanks for asking.

Mouthy morons are the bane of my existence.

Look, I wasn't feigning anything. When someone accuses me of something I did not say, I get annoyed. If you were truthful, you'd say the same.

For the record, I did say that Keiser was right. He is a little unhinged on this. Hell, he was invited on because he has a regular show on Russia Today, which is not exactly terribly objective news, and which sensationalizes every news story they encounter. Keiser's not going to be appearing before any committees any time soon, he's not going to be taken seriously, because he is way over the top. But, as I said, he's right.

What about that don't you understand?

What is it with you concern trolls? Laughter gets your knickers in a twist? Keiser's funny--he's funny as hell, because he is over the top. And he's right, and I said so.

But, because I didn't somberly intone that he makes very good sense, you think I'm the obnoxious character here?

You must be a fuckin' fan of Mickey Kaus. I'll bet you've even contributed to his campaign.

The monetary equivalent of two goats, maybe three....

bayville said...

Kaiser has morphed into the most popular television financial analyst in Europe due to his hyperbole...and his accuracy in predicting the current financial meltdown.

His record (far, far) exceeds any of his American counterparts.

In 2007 he predicted the Icelandic meltdown due to carry trading; he predicted gold would vault past $1,000 more than a year ahead of time; He called Greenspan incompetent while most of America called him "The Maestro"; He noted Paulson obvious conflict of interest well before most of the country ever heard of Goldman Sachs; And he's been calling Geithner a financial terrorist before he was even nominated for SecTreasury.

His anger and hostility towards these people and the system they continue to enable is more than justified.

JamTheCat said...

I agree with both of these guys -- Goldman Sachs are criminals who need to be jailed and we need rules and accountability, worldwide. As for Max Keiser's over-the-top declarations -- what the hell else is going to get the attention of anybody who's supposedly in control of seeing that it's done? Paulson and Geithner sure as hell won't do it on their own, as they've already proven. And the right wing nuts are just as loud and vicious in their counter-claims, so I say Keiser's doing exactly what is right -- screaming it at the top of his lungs. Goldman Sachs HAS effectively made a coup d'etat against the US government and being nice and gentle ain't gonna make them let go their stranglehold.

Avedon said...

I'm confused. What did he say that was over the top?

TheOtherWA said...

I think I'm in love. Max Keiser's like a breath of fresh air. And what's a little hyperbole when fighting the ocean's of spin from the banksters?

pansypoo said...

i'd prefer a puffer fish puffed. i just wish it was someone like spitzer saying this. call the greedy bastards. more descriptive than scum.

Anonymous said...

Did anybody make out what they were saying about Building 7?

Is Goldman claiming that because of the destruction of Building 7 they have to revalue a lot of their stock?

Glosie2001 said...

PansyPoo is well shirk from TRUTH when you hear it stark and naked. Max Keiser is dead right ON in ALL his points. He doesn't bother to cloak them in needless verbiage or stroaking. I wish he was on AMERICAN TV!

bayville said...

Anonymous. Some of the troubled investment firms - including Goldman - claim when Building 7 went down their records of biz dealings were destroyed in the process and there are no backup records.

res ipsa loquitur said...

You guys didn't even see Part II, where he says Goldman would have sold shares in concentration camps if there was a buck to be made.

Mr. Hedley Bowes said...

Max Kaiser is amped, hyperbolic, amusing, and right. I'll take him over the stupidity of Glenn Beck or Bore'reilly any day. Kaiser's line follows closely that of Michael Lewis (more respected Ivy League pedigree author) and Matt Taibbi.

I love them all. I wish to hell I was short Goldman since all the signs have been there.

The histrionics are open to debate. Henk's point is valid in the sense that progressives tend to marginalize our own most powerful voices. In this culture of 'squeaky wheel' media sensationalism, that tendency is to our detriment.