Having been deservedly named our nation's greatest HACK! how negligent of me to fail to check out Richard Cohen's first column as a sort of vicarious victory lap. How long to find a statement to demonstrate he is, truly, the Alpha Hack in the Hack Sandwich drenched in Hack batter, and then deep fried in the Hack Sauce that is the Washington Post?
Not long.
When, for instance, Bush attempts to justify the Iraq war by saying the world is a better place without Saddam Hussein, Assange could reach into his bag of leaked U.S. government cables and cite Saudi King Abdullah's private observation that the war had given Iraq to Iran as a "gift on a golden platter."
Who could have ever so quickly and nimbly defended such a thing years after the fact?
Like I needed to ask.
The only redeeming element of this wretched war is its moral component -- the desire of some people to do good by ridding the world of a thug and his regime -- and that story, once so simple, has been obfuscated by delays and antics.
Although I suppose it would be sort of funny to see Bush demonstrated to have lied by somebody with documentary cables at hand...and Cohen knows funny.
...until that is someone accuses Assange of being non-credible despite this because of an unrelated and unsubstantiated rape allegation. That sort of thing is valid ONLY if you are an artist and the victim was too young and drugged to consent.