Tuesday, November 02, 2010

We'll have to see how this goes

One good reason to vote in Iowa is that out-of-state groups have spent hundreds of thousands of dollars to toss out Iowa Supreme Court judges because they happened to find the Constitution's Equal Protection clause meant, y'know, Equal Protection.

Among the ironic aspects of the bible thumpers campaign has been their driving around Iowa in a big-purple bus...which is representative of, well, something.

[pic via Firedoglake]


Anonymous said...

I've long been of the opinion there should be a law that all monies must only come from the district in which the candidates are running. No outside contributions. there is no reason I should have any saw on what goes on in Iowa or who they elect. Justice Ginsberg feels the same way. You get a pass for the presidential election, but that's it. Time for that law is now.


Athenawise said...

I thought purple meant, you know, Teh Gay. Or is that lavendar?

Athenawise said...

Crap. Lavender.

DanF said...

It actually looks like the kind of bus that would have an open bar and strippers on it.

pansypoo said...


duh, purple is a very xtian power color. priestly shit.

Anonymous said...

whores on board, pay to play, legalized and roadworthy.

omen said...

again with the bullying.

is this out of state mormon money?