Monday, August 02, 2004

Amazing that the SCLM Isn't Covering this Isn't It?

Three weeks ago, when the Senate Intelligence Committee Report came out, an Addendum written by three Conservative Senators attempted to assert that intelligence actually supported attempts by Iraq to purchase Yellow Cake from Niger.

Of course, this was particularly, the thing that Joe Wilson reported there to be insufficient evidence of and which likely did not happen.

Bush used the Yellow Cake Story in February 2003 to support action against Iraq.

In the early Summer of 2003, Wilson wrote an op-ed piece for the NY Times.

Shortly thereafter, in mid-July Robert Novak reported that "Senior Administration Officials" told him that Wilson's wife, a "CIA Operative" had sent Joe Wilson to Nigeria.

It turns out that Valerie Plame, publicly represented for years as a consultant for an Energy company, had actually been using the company for a front and was a CIA Intelligence Operative specializing in investigating and preventing the spread of Weapons of Mass Destruction.

In their effort the three Senators addendum (again an Addendum, something which does NOT require a vote of other Senators) asserted that Plame sent Wilson and that the evidence supported the conclusion that Iraq attempted to buy Yellow Cake from Niger.

Well, now we know that the latter, also asserted within the Butler Report, was based upon fraudulent documents. See here.
Fraudulent documents KNOWN at the time to be fraudulent -- hence the CIA saying those "16 words" should not have been in the State of the Union.

Will the Wingers all agog over this recant.

Of course not.

Will the SCLM pay any attention.

I wish.

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