Wednesday, August 04, 2004

A little humor to lighten the dark mood

I woke up today in bad mood so forgive me. Things look so dark and dire, an electoral choice between not-so-bad-but-not-really-anyone's-first-choice and horseman of the apocalypse! What can the parties offer us, a castrate with brains vs a sado-macho-hyper-testosteroned-buffoon who can't read the big his coloring book. (God whispers them into his ear I am sure.)

For those of you who check alternative/foreign press/know folks that are/have been in Iraq, the conditions on ground in Iraq are much worse than reported on FoxCNN and company. We know the economy sucks in reality and is getting worse for the majority. The gas station near my house jumped from 1.82 to 2.11 overnight. Geez, can it get worse...

So this morning I went shopping (with what little money I had left after gassing up the car) and while waiting in the check out line I noticed the World Weekly Report or something like that. Now besides some usual right-wing nonsense, what did I find out but that half the hookers in the U.S. are space aliens from Sirius B, not real fact, anatomically they are like Barbie. But they implant memories into their Johns that it was great sex. Meanwhile they are getting information about the United States to push forward their nefarious plans.

What can such an advanced civilization find out from Johns that is not on the Internet or easily hacked? I am not sure but consider this any civilization that can send hookers to this planet and make men think they had a good time, should be able to acquire information from all known computers.

But it was a good laugh and it took my mind off more bleak realities. Now the question I have is: does sex that is only a mental implant from an alien hooker count as adultery in a divorce case? Just asking.

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