Tuesday, September 13, 2005

For God's sakes shut up already

No, not again...

The White House said Bush would address the nation from Louisiana on Thursday evening.

Look, I think I speak for most Americans, right/left/center.

I don't need to hear your butchery of the english language full of empty platitudes that amount to jack squat. About how you are throwing the money without strings in huge dollups to your buddies -- never mentioning the specific companies and that they got them through no-bid contracts.

I've had enough of you, your laziness, your spinning, your faux conservatism that never met a situation it could not throw money at with profligacy, as long as it benefitted a corporation over the people of this country. I've had it with you justifying death with more death, I've had it with you pretending you have any kind of vision whatsoever.

I've had it with your mispronunciations.
I've had it with your made up words.
I've had it with your deer-in-the-headlights looks.
I've had it with you carrying your dog like a purse.
I've had it with your photo ops.
I've had it with your pre-screened audiences.
I've had it with your fake cowboy walk.
I've had it with your slouch -- stand up straight you dope!
I've had it with you travelin' to New Orleans now that all the African Americans have left.
I've had it with your Iraq war.
I've had it with the "nobody anticipated the sun would come up tomorrow" preparation.
I've had it with your pretending "you are making progress".
I've had it with seeing another 1 to 10 American soldiers a day cut down before their prime.
I've had it with Freedom Walks that are not free.
I've had it with calling people un-patriotic for criticizing Lord Bush!
I've had it with your cackle.
I've had it with your petulent frat boy attitude.
I've had it with "I don't care about global warming George likes it hot" environmental policy.
I've had it with your greedy, technocrat-bullshitter of a Vice-President.
I've had it with your protection of a traitor, just because he makes all your decisions.
I've had it with your shoe-buying, harpish Secretary of State.
I've had it with your pro-wrestler, congenital liar now named Ambassador of Bullshitting.
I've had it with never firing anybody...unless they frown on tax cuts.
I've had it with not playing the blame game, considering how much you are to blame.
I've had it with your born-again ignorance.
I've had it with you shallowness.
I've had it with your policies.
I've had it with your bloviating enablers.


Stay off the television, stay off the radio, stay off the newspapers, and actually commit a fucking single thought to actually trying to have a legacy that isn't going to be an embarassment to yourself and this country.

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