Saturday, September 03, 2005

Haley Fucking Barbour

Watching the news early this past week, one of the people who was a constant on the news shows was fat cat cigar chomping good ole' boy Bush ass licking Haley Barbour. I knew when I saw him interviewed, while the first noises of concern about the federal response (this was before the levees broke) were just beginning to sound, that he would shill for the administration. Even at a time like that, licking Bush's ass. Barbour was asked about the President not coming to the disaster area; his response has bounced around my head now for a few days. In his typical fat cat dad-gum way, he said: aw shucks I told him he shouldn't come down here, there was nothing he could do.

Just let that one sink in.

President Bush: failing the test of leadership.

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