Monday, September 12, 2005

Roberts and Priv-icee

I love these academic assholes deconstructing the constitution and criticizing the Supreme Court's rulings finding a right to privacy in the constitution. Roberts was one such toady in the Reagan administration, some young pup that grew up with enough privilege to not have a clue what it was like to have The Man sticking a billy club under your chin, banging down your door, or otherwise treating you like the dirt you are. Nope, not in John Roberts's life.

Next is the right to privacy and abortion. The Roe vs. Wade ruling in 1973 struck down laws blocking abortions on the grounds that they violated an unwritten "right to privacy" in the Constitution. In memos, Roberts cited the "so-called right to privacy." Democrats probably will ask what he meant by that phrase.

So what's say one of those gentle men or women of the committee treat Judge Roberts to a little government hospitality? Let's see if Roberts invokes the "so-called right to privacy". What form of birth control do you prefer, Judge? Is your wife's preference the same? How about it? A little hair of the dog might be good for our next Chief Justice.

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