Friday, April 02, 2010

+162,000 Jobs in March

Though as Atrios notes that isn't all that awesome, it is the best jobs report in well over 2 years and actually outpaces population growth [though not by much the unemployment rate remained a dreadful 9.7%].

Still, if this was the Bush Administration, Dubya be flying out to Wall Street with a stuffed green shade on his head and a banner proclaiming "MISSION ACCOMPLISHED" above his head -- all made by the employees of Goldman Sachs and not "staged" at all according to Ari Fleischer.


Athenawise said...

And he'd wear a trader's jacket and pad his bulge with old ticker tape.

pansypoo said...

funny that biz types ain't crowing as well. the SEEANn money tart on the daily show was poopooing the economy.

pansypoo said...

democrats cannot do right.