If Republican leaders can't commit to repealing a radical health care scheme that the Wall Street Journal correctly called the "worst bill ever," they can hardly expect Americans to say "yes" to a GOP Congress in November.
You read that right...
"worst bill ever", as in for all time and places...
Yeah, Health Care Reform a worse bill than:
1. The 3/5th Clause
2. The Nuremberg Laws
3. The Fugitive Slave Act
4. Japanese Internment
5. Apartheid
And that's just the start.
The Alien & Sedition Acts was quite the piece of work, and the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution sure as hell killed a bunch of people based on an utter fabrication. Prior to Andrew Jackson, only land owning white males were allowed to vote (of course this was opposed by the Whigs ... fucking Republicans). And let's not forget that women weren't allowed to vote in every state for a very long time in this country - until 1920. Yeah yeah that was state by state, but the omission of certain legislation can be every bit as evil as the commission of legislation. Like Jim Crow laws.
The Fugitive Slave Act, the Indian Removal Act, whatever it was that passed under Wilson that allowed the rounding up of Communists, Smoot-Hawley, which basically led to WWII. These all seem more evil than giving health care to 40 million people.
You can add these:
"Authority for Use of Military Force to Combat Terrorist Activities Within the U.S."
"Enrolled House Bill 1595", State of Oklahoma
"Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act."
"The Bankruptcy Abuse Prevention and Consumer Protection Act of 2008"
"The Patriot Act"
"Detainee Treatment Act of 2005"
"Dred Scott"
"Plessy v. Ferguson"
The Military Commissions Act" (H.R. 591)
And of course, "Bush v. Gore."
Gawd, there are so many. But Health Care is far worse.
you know what's more evil than facilitating / mandating that folks buy insurance on the "open market"--- actively advocating against the government HELPING it's citizens pay for their healthcare with their own fucking tax dollars, while simultaneously advocating for the spending of those same tax dollars on previously unfunded, unnecessary, unending wars and the corporate handouts to facilitate waging those wars.
using those tax dollars to pay public officials to work against the public good--- Republican members of congress, and BD Democrats, that means YOU.
Salon posted a story that was originally at Tom Dispatch about a mayor who is putting up (with donated money) a sign that gives the running total of how much of his community's federal tax dollars are being spent on the wars. I'd love to see these signs everywhere so people can get an idea of just how much they might have to spend on their community if such a huge amount wasn't going to the war machine; I think most people have no idea...
One of my favorites is prohibition, the enabling legislation for Al Capone.
Congress, historically, has created some giant fuck-ups, has been unwilling in most instances to actually undo those fuck-ups, and has become expert at tinkering around the edges of truly bizarre and/or stinky legislation passed by predecessors.
The so-called reform bill certainly fits into that pattern, but, the worst ever? That's too hyperbolic even for an editorial page known for its cruising of the outer asteroid belt....
Here's a vote for the "Authorization for Use of Military Force Against Iraq Resolution", enacted October 16, 2002 as the worst bill of all time.
But I guess since those greedy WSJ bastards made/makes a whole hunk of money from the Iraq War, they just don't give a shit how stupid and illegal it is.
-Privatize the Profits! Socialize the Costs!
well, for the chickkken little partee, this IS bad. part D got them squat.
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