Wednesday, April 07, 2010

I know it just makes me one of them liberal pussy Constitutional Due Process believers and shit

But I really think targeting an American citizen for Due Process Free Murder...especially when it will likely end a few civilian lives in the process is not really my idea of hope and change.

I'm not a big fan of the "flying missile of justice" to begin with...liberal Constitution loving pussy that I am.


Athenawise said...

What about the Flying Spaghetti Monster that strangles them in their lairs far, far away?

Hoo-boy. We are really and truly screwed, aren't we?

[And, for the record, Atta, you're my favorite liberal Constitution-loving pussy.]

Major Woody said...

Constitution Schmonstitution, Mr. Fancy-Pants Liberal.

Cervantes said...

Your problem is that unlike most constitution lovers these days, you actually know what's in it.

Montag said...

In an odd way, Dirty Harry applies here, when confronting Hal Holbrook's character in "Magnum Force." "Where does it end? Do we start executing people for jaywalking?"

If a President can do it on the basis of the generally lousy intelligence the CIA produces these days, we don't know where it will end--which is precisely the reason why the Bill of Rights exists. Giving one person the same powers as the courts is the definition of tyranny, according to the authors of the Constitution, and they instituted rules to prevent that.

The courts have to assert their power in order to prevent this, but, unfortunately, the 30-year transformation of the court system by the Federalist Society has actually made the courts more likely to back tyrannical Executive Branch decisions based on "national security."

It's a pernicious trend.

pansypoo said...

well, i'd be a-ok if he wants to do the same with glen beckkk.

Anonymous said...

Methinks the CIA, NSA, and all could very well be undermining even a president with the best intentions.
Dismantle these security agencies. They can leak like the DOD when they want to put a prez on the spot by saying
We tried to tell the Prz of this One Man's huge Threat to National Security and he would not command us to kill him.
Sorry attaturk, you and I know it is unconstitutional, but the politics of it are disruptive (vox)