Of course.
But wait, as always with Romney, there's more:
But marriage is not solely about adults. Marriage is also for children. In fact, marriage is principally for the nurturing and development of children. The children of America have the right to have a mother and a father.
Of course, even today, circumstances can take a parent from the home, but the child still has a mother and a father. If the parents are unmarried or divorced, the child can visit each of them. If a mother or a father is deceased, the child can learn about the qualities of their departed parent. His or her psychological development can still be influenced by the contrasting features of both genders.In other words, a dead straight parent beats a living same-sex parent.
"...marriage is principally for the nurturing and development of children."
I agree. And that's why I think I should have unlimited sexy time and with as many laadees I chose. When one of them gets "with child", out come the white shotguns! Because, Jesus, 'ya know.
See how simple it would all be?
to the black/white people, i was harmed by my parent's divorce, ignoring my uncles and grandparents and 1 grandpa who technically was very daddy.
then there is the malignant part of my paternal unit i am glad i did not LIVE WITH or see much.
Romney has no filter between his mouth and whatever he's using for a brain. Words just tumble unchecked from his lips, and they have no coherent, consistent message from one day to the next.
Please, please, please, do not let this arrogant, empty-headed egomaniac anywhere near the White House.
I'm not sure if an accurate stop watch and good response time is going to be able to measure the speed at which he changes his story by the time we get to the election. I think that Einstein worked out that flip-flopping couldn't surpass the speed of light in a vacuum. Anybody out there have a spare atomic clock that they could dedicate it to a good cause?
Isn't the Pat Benatar song “Hell is for children” !
If a mother or a father is deceased, the child can learn about the qualities of their departed parent. His or her psychological development can still be influenced by the contrasting features of both genders.
It's just awful how being bought up by a gay or lesbian couple means a child will have no idea women or men (respectively) even exist, and therefore have no way to learn about the "qualities" of that gender...
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