Thursday, June 16, 2005

Why do the Religious Right Think about Sex so much?

Almost nobody on the religious right thinks about sex more than the Rev. Lou Sheldon. His latest -- a little ditty called The Agenda: The Homosexual Plan To Change America is endorsed by republican token J.C. watts, who has all the intellectual capacity of a retired second string running back. Wait a minute, that's an insult to second string running backs.

How about we write a book about the religious right wing agenda to control all sexuality based on some strange Biblical comments completely taken out of context? That is the agenda that scares the Jeebus out of me.

From the website:

The book, published by Strang Communications, describes the homosexual agenda and how it will impact our nation and churches. Rev. Sheldon challenges Christians to defend traditional values and biblical morality from the threat of homosexual activists and urges them to get actively involved in fighting for their families against this immoral political and cultural agenda.

What is it about these religious righties that leads them to think about sex so much? And why are they so driven to try and control what consenting adults do in the privacy of their own homes? Man, how much free time must someone have to spend all their time thinking about that? I wish I had that much free time.

Maybe they are just jealous of the rest of us who have sex lives? Are they driven by confusion over sexual references in the Bible? Do they hate sex and all the pleasure for which it stands?

What is the deal? What is their problem?

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