You are the fictional intellectually gifted white child of a wealthy and powerful man (are there are other kind?) who is somehow wrongfully deprived of a Harvard Education despite your incredible gifts for holding liquor, discretely dispensing Rohypnol to girls you are interested in and mocking Jewish kids. Oh, noz, you'll have to go to Dartmouth or Princeton, the horror, the horror!!!
According to Donald Trump's latest increasingly racist bloviation, a Magna Cum Laude graduate of the Harvard Law School somehow deprived you of your birthright.
It's positively un-American.
I see where Robert Deniro criticized The Donald for his birther nonsense to which Trump fired back that Deniro isn't the sharpest knife in the drawer.
I would pit Deniro's wit and intellect against Trump's any day. Trump is a legend in his own mind...
His grandfather changed his name from Drumpf. Donald Drumpf. Which suits a cartoon character, doesn't it?
Donald Trump has secured the Teanut vote with stunning success. All 22% of 'em. It's amazing, he's once again used that razor-sharp business acumen to hone in on another winning strategy.
The huge joke here is that Trump wants to be President, which he cannot do without giving up control of his, uh, ahem, "empire," which he is not about to do.
This is all about Trump exercising his vanity to a greater degree than "The Apprentice" affords. When it comes right down to it, Trump wants to be President about as much as the Queen of England does.
Trump Empire = house of cards.
THEEEEE Donald, is finally starting to amuse me..... I cannot help it, I find extreme pleasure in mocking A-holes.
gotta ignore the HAIRY troll.
Donald's grandfather missed his cue: 'Chump' would have been a more accurate moniker.
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