Sunday, August 01, 2004

More Lying -- Back in September 2001, they knew there was NO Iraq-Al Qaeda link

While watching on CNN and watch Bush go negative on Kerry and looking frankly, awful. NICE, that on the last day of July the PRESIDENT goes directly negative, they are AFRAID, and out of any fricking idea. It's terrible campaigning and I've no doubt it comes from Chimpy his own self. Stupid, stupid, stupid. But as a Democrat, I personally appreciate it Mr. Preznit.

Hmm, Hmm.

Now the point, while Newsweek may have completely botched its report on Kerry's bounce post-Convention, it has another story that partly makes up for this glaring error.

The Bush Administration has long pushed the idea of Iraq-Al Qaeda contacts which they have finally stopped pushing that story [not that its stopped their freeped out minions]. To the extent they discuss it they'll say...well there was good reason to think it and we believed it at the time.

No, they did not.

Good ol' Dougy Feith and Paul Wolfowitz are always good for clusterfuckery and they don't disappoint us in this story:

Days after 9/11, a senior Pentagon official lamented the lack of good targets in Afghanistan and proposed instead U.S. military attacks in South America or Southeast Asia as "a surprise to the terrorists," according to a footnote in the recent 9/11 Commission Report. The unsigned top-secret memo, which the panel's report said appears to have been written by Defense Under Secretary Douglas Feith, is one of several Pentagon documents uncovered by the commission which advance unorthodox ideas for the war on terror. The memo suggested "hitting targets outside the Middle East in the initial offensive" or a "non-Al Qaeda target like Iraq," the panel's report states. U.S. attacks in Latin America and Southeast Asia were portrayed as a way to catch the terrorists off guard when they were expecting an assault on Afghanistan.

Iraq known as long ago as RIGHT AFTER the 9/11 attack to be a non-Al-Qaeda target!

Attacking in South, fricking, America?

If Feith had been around on December 8, 1941 he would have come up with the idea of, "Let's attack the Japanese someplace they don't expect it, like Ireland!".


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