Friday, September 16, 2005

Let's look at the Replay

"I'm a gonna make my photo op of the daylight hours a visit to my buddies in the Oil Bidness"

Keep that sweet crude a pumpin', heh, heh, heh.

"Then I'm a gonna walk 100 yards across some grass and be brave enough to walk past Andy Jackson's horse"

"And then I'm a gonna promise to spend all sorts of money"
"Without raisin' taxes"
"Then I'm a gonna blame racism for poverty"
"And then I'm a gonna place Karl Rove in charge of it all"

This way everybody on the Rights head's "splode" and everybody on the Left head's "'splod" and there will be just us Bush's & Condi left on earth.

"At least everyone will see that I was cool as a cucumber when I did flop sweat at all. Heh, heh, heh."

Wait a minute, something's missing from that last picture.

Ah, that's better.

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