Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Oh, we've got our talking points

From Moron Junction:

LEADERSHIP [Kathryn Jean Lopez]
There are, obviously, myriad questions that are being and will be asked about who asked for what and when, but watching a little of a Good Morning America's Katrina right now, one thing is absolutely clear: Governor Blanco is determined to look the part of victim in a victimized region. No sense of uplifting people, getting them to look ahead. Her answers are "we were begging" for help and we hope you get food, but who knows? She's just a sad image. And then put her next to the ranting mayor of New Orleans and you have a picture of the seeming absence of real leadership. The Where's Rudy? stuff gets old, but you can't help but think one solid visible leader in Louisiana would make some difference--and not just after, perhaps, but before.
Posted at 07:58 AM

I suppose considering that she is safe from most flooding because of her natural, Häagen-Dazs induced, boyancy, Lopez is detatched from what a flood is and does. But, in any case, no matter how hard you try to spin K-Lo, you are not going to avoid this:

As the levees broke.


After it was known that New Orleans was a disaster of epic proportions.


"Nobody thought the levies would break"


"Trent Lott will have a fabulous new house and I look forward to sitting on its porch with him."

Not to mention your President's fabulous appointment to head FEMA...

I'm sorry, I confused Mike Brown with the more qualified Incitatus.

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