Tuesday, May 01, 2012

Hey look 1913 called

People dumb enough to be entrapped by the FBI unite!
Five alleged anarchists have been arrested after a months-long sting operation, charged with plotting to blow up a bridge in the Cleveland area, the FBI announced Tuesday.
What, were they tired of being juggalos?


Anonymous said...

Why go to the trouble of blowing up US infrastructure? Just wait for it to fall down on its own.

Or even better, go on a Sunday show and call for more austerity measures. That will destroy hundreds of bridges.

jimmiraybob said...

Silly anarchists. If you want to destroy the system just become a Tea Party legislator. Duh!

Anonymous said...

IIRC this makes the FBI the number 1 supplier of terrorist bombs in the US.

Uncle Smokes said...

Another triumph for racially profiling Muslim-lookin' folks!


Oh, I see...well, one of them does look kinda like Cat Stevens, but...yeah...nevermind....

pansypoo said...

indeed, the GOP is doing the destrruction of america from the inside! ALL HAIL GROVER NORQUIST!