Saturday, June 18, 2011

And in today's story of religious stupidity

Somebody had one too many accidents.

JERUSALEM (AFP) – A Jerusalem rabbinical court condemned to death by stoning a dog it suspects is the reincarnation of a secular lawyer who insulted the court's judges 20 years ago, Ynet website reported Friday.

Will inspire a new website. Dogs that look like Arafat.


Montag said...

We have more--and more varied--religious loonies than anywhere else in the world, but, we don't have `em all, not by a long shot....

StonyPillow said...

Those mad M$Paint skillz are back!

jimmiraybob said...

Clearly still offended, one of the judges sentenced the animal to death by stoning by local children.

By children? Getting the children to do the deed? How biblical. What sick assholes.

The canine target, however, managed to escape.

Run Rover Run!

Anonymous said...

have they no shame, or an SPCA?

pansypoo said...

what century is this?

DrDick said...

What? Did they get jealous that the the Christian and Muslim religious whackjobs were hogging the limelight?

Raoul Paste said...

It sounds like a Monty Python sketch.
Throw a net over these whackjobs.

Anonymous said...

Un-fucking real. I feel all fuzzy inside that the United States government supports a place where even dogs have to prove their loyalty, or be stoned to death.

Anonymous said...

BBC Later retracted stort.
Though there methods and lack of apology showed their lack of fair play.

They also have a story showing that many common medicines increase the risk of dying, but fail to note that people who take medications are usually sicker and die younger than those who don't.

By the way, Israel may have stopped Syria from building bombs, the world and the Syrian people would definitely be safer now if they had.