Saturday, June 02, 2007

Steely-Eyed Rocket Man

TBogg always finds the good stuff: from the cutting edge of wingnut couture to the finest in wingnut cuisine.

And now he's done it again. This may be it -- the pinnacle, the apex, the ne plus FRICKin' ultra of Noonan Nuttery. Peggy's post-Shockinaw swooning is just More to Savor as you contemplate why a guy who has spent virtually his entire career with Bush is deserting the sinking ship leaving to spend more time with his family with just 597 days left in his hero's administration.

March 24, 2003:
The American president has, meanwhile, demonstrated to the entire world that he is neither a bombastic naïf nor a reckless cowboy but, in fact, another kind of American stereotype: the steely-eyed rocket man. Don't tread on him. It is good for the world that it see him as he is....
Please read the rest. You will not want to miss any of Peggy's penetrating insights into what victory in Iraq will mean for her Steely-Eyed Rocket Man, the good old U.S.A., and the world.

Note to Peggy: please feel free to continue your work as an RNC advisor for the 2008 election cycle.

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