Saturday, June 02, 2007

What have the Kagans been Wrong about Now?

Oh, it's a VERY SPECIAL EPISODE (the one where Robert Kagan causes Blossom to lose her virginity).

Yes it's TWO, count 'em TWO Episodes in ONE DAY!

For today, not only Fred, but Robert has been cast out to lobby for the family. A Kegel of Kagans?

From what is supposed to be tomorrow's Washington Post:

By far the biggest problem, and the source of most of the violence reported every day, has been al-Qaeda in Iraq. Al-Qaeda's strategy is to foment sectarian violence by killing both Shiites and Sunnis. How come? If sectarian violence were out of control already, why would al-Qaeda have to stir it up? In fact, it is precisely fear that things will calm down in Iraq that has al-Qaeda working overtime to blow things and people up.

All bad things in Iraq are Al-Qaeda.

It would be a nice, clean story, and one the Bush Administration dearly loves to put forth.

Too bad it's a load of bullshit, and has been during the whole of the war, including during THE SURGE PERIOD, On February 7, 2007:

WASHINGTON (CNN) -- Iraqi-on-Iraqi violence has become the primary source of conflict in the war-ravaged nation and Iraqi leaders will be "hard-pressed to achieve sustained political reconciliation" in the next 18 months, according to a summary of the National Intelligence Estimate released Friday.

Self-Described Military Historian and Brian Blessed Impersonator

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