I don't know if Elena Kagan is gay or not, but I'll spend some more time talking about what I don't know...it is after all, what I do.
But what I wonder about is why she didn't
round up a couple of South American white kids to adopt like John Roberts!
As they say at Sadly,No: Always trust the shorter! I clicked on the link, and the piece was so bad I couldn't believe it wasn't a parody.
I've gotta hand it to him, he managed to write a column that has less intelligence displayed than a used piece of toilet paper.
Judging from the comments that piece generated, pretty much everyone feels the same about Cohen and his "writing".
you guys hit it? no way.
...few things leave me speechless, but this little Cohen bloggy thing put me right up to the edge. I have to confess that I didn't know that there was some sort of competition to be the picture beside the word 'vacuous' in the OED...
Um...he says that fathers have just as much concern and fear for their children as mothers? Not in my experience, not after age about 2.
Did Dickie know the shoe sizes of his kids, what the dosage was of their meds, their teachers names? Was his career sidetracked because he spent so much time and attention on his children? No it didn't, because he had a woman or women looking after his children. Is it odd that the only 1 Supremes (assuming Kagan's approval) are women? Not really, since as women they have no one to pick up the slack in family life for them as they concentrate on their careers.
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