Monday, May 17, 2010

This is awesome

Hilarious and informative reply of the GEICO voice-over guy and others to FoxNews wanking.


patriotraybob said...

I am shocked that this self-proclaimed, so-called American has the nerve to violate the most fundamental God-given right to pander to the ignorant that is guaranteed by this nation's founding document - the Mayflower Compact.

Surely he's a witch and should immediately be burned, hanged or dropped into a lake with his pockets full of lead shot. Piling large boulders on his chest until he can't breath would also be appropriate and would clearly send the message that we can tolerate free speech but certainly not wrong speech.

Now, that would be taking our country back.

jimmiraybob said...

I have to apologize for my cousin's (patriotraybob) outburst. He's visiting from Good America and is a little cranky since Glenn Beck hasn't yet declared John Withrop our first greatest president.

pansypoo said...

he has a talent bigger than his voice i think.

and he should have called them cretins.

zeppo said...

That was pretty damn good. He doesn't need to be a voiceover actor. He can go be a guest on the Cobert Report (or maybe he already has) and then, who knows? I mean, look how long Joe the Not Plumber rode that wave....

Anonymous said...

Now they merely ask for a military junta type takeover. Not wishing to overdo it or anything.
One small step for military control is one big leap for reign of terror.