Thursday, May 27, 2010

On the other hand

Making "false statements which cause U.S. combat operations" makes you a fuckin' hero.


Athenawise said...

It's made by the Regnery Toy Company.

sukabi said...

when's he going to introduce a bill that makes it illegal for a congress critter to blab secret info?

Raoul Paste said...

Focusing on what's important.
Hatch really is completely worthless.

Also, remember "I've been to war, and I've raised teenagers..." ? Let's have some retroactive prosecution.

Anonymous said...

St. Ronnie and John Wayne both thought they'd been in combat.

Just sayin'.

Mr. Hedley Bowes said...

"Batteries not included"

pansypoo said...

butbutbut kerning.

merlallen said...

Is Desert Storm veteran Lyndsy Graham going to jail?
And I guess it's OK to lie us into a war, but if you lie about fighting in the same war, you're in big trouble?