Monday, May 17, 2010

Your Huffpo Journalism Award of the Day

Michael Phelps' Shirtless In Charlotte

Um, yeah, male swimmers never do that.


drunken hausfrau said...

I had the same exact thought when I saw the headline -- Phelps shirtless in Charlotte. Really? Don't we have like a gazillion photos of him shirtless in China in 2008? Journalism sure has fallen on hard times.

sukabi said...

what make the headline more ridiculous is that he was at a freaking swim meet... if they're going for sensationalism a better headline would have been:

Michael Phelps Spotted Sporting Barely Covered Junk.


Michael Phleps, To Wax or Not To Wax?

pansypoo said...

more like a hairy phelps

Anonymous said...

trying to be the next Sport swimsuit fulsome fellow. Ratings are down and summer is coming. vox