Sunday, May 30, 2010

Iowa's shame

No great idiot or bigger asshole in the Congress than Steve King, thanks Northwest Iowa.

Rep. Steve King (R-IA) issued a press release today that partially blames Muslims for the Department of Justice's attempts to challenge Arizona's controversial new immigration law.

"The ACLU, SEIU and the Muslim American Society are calling the shots at the Justice Department," the press release says

Shut your gob for once.


StonyPillow said...

Must be all the pig manure dust in the 5th District. Breathe in enough shit, and it fills your sinuses and seeps into your brains.

jimmiraybob said...

King forgot to lob in a Kenyan constituency. Amateur.

Anonymous said...

Actually his immoral twin brother Peter King of Long Island is as big an idiot. Must be something about the name King.

Montag said...

He really is a professional shit-stirrer, isn't he?

sukabi said...

I'd vote to stuff the oil geyser with him and the BP execs, except that would make the Gulf even more toxic....

pansypoo said...

did somebody throw hummus in his well?

Michael said...

How does someone that moronic find a few hundred thousand people to vote for him?

guessed said...

somebody burn a cross on kkking's lawn.

Distributorcap said...

add Jack Kingston of GA

i know bigger idiots than King- the people who vote for him'

and Palin - because NO ONE is more stupid, self centered and moronic than Palin, even Steve King

Anonymous said...

He is channeling Glenn Beck.

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