The idea of deploying a nuke in the Gulf of Mexico because the Russians have done it a few times does not strike me as a particularly appealing notion.
After all who has a better environmental record (outside of say, Union Carbide?) these last 80 years than the Russians?
Finally -- a way to blame Obama for the mess. I expect this will become very popular at Fox as the Gulf of Mexico dies.
Why doesn't One have our friends at Issureal do it? Be a break fer Palestine and Iran.
didn't get rid of bushies fast enough. and GEE, HOW MANY INTERIOR APP[OINTMENTS DID THE RETURDS BLOCK?
Huh. Interesting. I suppose that a side benefit might be that if it failed to seal the hole we could better track the radioactive oil plumes.
Dear Gulf Coast Fishermen and other users environmental users..........
This is clearly a sign that the Age of Idiocracy is upon us: "hey, let's make all that escaping oil just as radioactive as it is sticky! We never let an opportunity go by to make a bad problem worse! We're A-Mer-I-Ca!"
did the russians put this out to see if we were stupid enough to fall for it?
Well... We do like to bomb oil-rich places. It's kind of our M.O.
does oil have electrolytes?
Finally -- a way to blame Obama for the mess. I expect this will become very popular at Fox...
Oh, you mean blame in a similar fashion to how 90% of the press attempted to pillory George Bush for the an overall poor response to hurricane Katrina?
Like that?
Only with one of the eight major networks instead of all eight? Like that?
Like when Obama said, "Heck of a job, BP!" and seven of the eight major networks never even reported it!
But, you are crazy! You are! [/Baby Jane Hudson]
Let it go, girl!
Bush was a twat and multiple 1,000's of Americans died pathetic, painful deaths just in Katrina...
not to mention 3,000 on 9/11/01, and since 2003 another 4,300 service-members "in the area around Tikrit and Baghdad and east, west, south and north somewhat."
Please don't use this national disaster, caused and owned by a British company in international waters, to bolster up the idiot son of an asshole (and her husband - a former US President.)
How dare anyone hold W accountable for the suffering and waste he allowed! Cutting cake for the press on the USS Lincoln was far more important than protecting the 9th Ward from their due.
Nukes? I'd rather take my chances with Kevin Costner at this point.
Looks like the blog has a 9/11 troofer at the 11:50 PM comment. Deniers of that ilk are thoroughly disgusting.
Disgusting? Heavens. What kind of self-abusive bender brings O&A here each and every day?
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