Monday, May 31, 2010

Good job Bibi

The death toll keeps climbing in the wake of a stupid and unconscionable (and latest) bit of overreaction from the Israelis upon a Turkish ship carrying aid to the embargoed Palestinians. The attack occurred in international waters.

Watch the right rally around whatever spin is necessary to make this anyone but Israel's fault. They'll blame Obama before they blame Netenyahu, patriots that they are.

...but for now, there will be hell to pay.

UPDATE: Spin away Bibi, but it's going to be hard to make this into a terribly violent group...

Named the Freedom Flotilla and led by the Free Gaza Movement and a Turkish organization, Insani Yardim Vakfi, the convoy was the most ambitious attempt yet to break Israel’s three-year blockade of Gaza.

About 600 passengers were said to be aboard the vessels, including the 1976 Nobel Peace Prize laureate, Mairead Corrigan-Maguire of Northern Ireland, and a Holocaust survivor, Hedy Epstein, 85.

“What we have seen this morning is a war crime,” said Saeb Erakat, the chief Palestinian negotiator for the government in the West Bank. “These were civilian ships carrying civilians and civilian goods — medicine, wheelchairs, food, construction materials.”


Anonymous said...

Mad Turks are formidable opponents.

Anonymous said...

There was even an 85 year old Holocaust survivor on that flotilla. IDF becomes ever so offensive by this murderous action.


Anonymous said...

It would be a good idea to wait until the FACTS are known before blaming the IDF alone.

Anonymous said...

"Blowback. The costs and consequences of American Empire." Author is Chalmers Johnson.

Blowback is the CIA term for the unintended consequences of American global politics.

Because we will say nothing against Israel, Qui tacet consentit - Silence gives consent, and we chalk up another reason to hate America. It isn't "for our freedoms" they hate us - it's for our policy.

Anonymous said...

Recep Erdogan's islamist are break dancing in the street over Israel's latest crime. Well done Bibi destroying your last link in the Islamic world.

I can't wait until our state department launches it's defense of Israel.

pansypoo said...

so, palestinian ghettos are ok?

Anonymous said...

The Israeli government seems to have become the kind of people they say they despise.

More brutality! Yeah, real smart.

guessed said...

bibi's operation: stuffed crotch...


Mr. Hedley Bowes said...

Interesting historical and contemporary analysis.

Olives and Arrows said...

Spin away Bibi, but it's going to be hard to make this into a terribly violent group...

Not really.
Video evidence clearly shows that many of those on board were anything but "peace activists".

... does anybody happen to know if some the the famous Jew haters were aboard the "freedom flotilla" ships?
You know, human garbage such as Sean Penn or George Galloway?

Anonymous said...

...said the ever-so-polite troll.

Anonymous said...

Assuming the video isn't staged, the clips look like a defense of an attempt at high-seas piracy in international waters.

Anonymous said...

Maybe they were defending themselves from the Arab haters descending from US funded military platforms?

Olives and Arrows said...

1:01 anon,

......the organizers had announced their intention of entering Israeli waters. Maritime law states that this is (one reason) a ship can be intercepted in international waters.

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