As scientists learn more and more, we've managed to create a "faith-based" society that is taught to learn less and less.
As someone else once said, "argue about gravitational theory all you want, but apples still fall from trees". The fact that people are encouraged to be ignorant and deny evolution, doesn't mean it isn't occurring.
See yesterday's post about Climate Change and who bears a share of the responsibility.
I just finished for the first time reading Charles P. Pierce's Idiot America. The woo of willful stupidity and ignorance is stronger than I once assumed.
For all the Tea Party mindless blather about the Founding Fathers and the Constitution etc., etc., so on and so forth, they completely miss the biggest point that the founders and framers made - success of the republic depends on an intelligent and well informed peoples. We are being slowly consumed in worshiping the gut response and shunning intellect.
butbutbut americans would have to CHANGE! like, evolve or something.
The thing about science is that it's true whether you believe in it or not...
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