Wednesday, October 03, 2012

It'll start with a hand-buzzer so Romney can get Obama with the Handshake...don't smell the lapel-flower Barack!


Montag said...

A little slapstick might brighten up these "debates," which are going to be just as tiresome as other recent debates, and which will not offer up any real surprises in terms of policy or principle.

jimmiraybob said...

"Ahh, there's nothing better than a cigarette... unless it's a cigarette lit with a hundred-dollar bill."

--Krusty the Clown, ca. 1995

I think an appropriate update would be "10,000-dollar bill." Otherwise, take er away Krusty the Romney.

pansypoo said...

worst abbott + costello impressions EVER.

Stephansenojni said...

worst abbott + costello impressions EVER.